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Budget Form

An overview of the budget form.

Maxime Tremblay avatar
Written by Maxime Tremblay
Updated over a week ago

The budget form presents useful data on three tabs: Details, Steps and Configurations.

  • Details: Provides general budget information, such as status and title. A description is also provided.

    Please note that budgets are not linked to a company. In this way, budgets can be duplicated, modified and used as a template for the creation of new projects.

    The right-hand column shows a compilation of projected costs and margins.

  • Steps: The place to build the budget from steps. Steps can be placed in groups and reorganized by dragging and dropping. An operation button is also available for deleting or duplicating steps in batch.

  • Configurations: Tab for selecting the rate and charge grids that will be used to define the budget's billable rates.

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