The budget sheet groups essential information under three tabs: Details, Steps and Configurations.
This tab contains general budget information:
Budget status, title and description.
The right-hand column compiles projected costs and margins, providing a quick overview.
Note: Budgets are not linked to a company. This means they can be duplicated, modified and used as templates for new projects.
In this tab, you can structure the budget in stages:
Stages are also used for project planning once the project has started.
Each stage can be associated with :
Execution dates.
Expected duration.
A responsible service provider.
Milestones can be :
Grouped and reorganized by drag & drop.
Deleted or duplicated in batch using an operation button.
In this tab, you can :
Select the rate and charge grids to be used.
Define billable rates for the budget.
This sheet centralizes all the information you need to plan, structure and customize your budgets efficiently and flexibly.